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RE: [culturecircle-96] New Meetup: Pi Day!

From: user 8.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 1:22 PM
Here is some real irony Pi is a Greek letter which is actually pronounced (in Greek) like pea (the little green vegetable) but in English for some reason people pronounuce it like pie. As a Greek girl it has always perplexed me that this mispronunciation has never been corrected.
Okay off my soap box... sounds like an interesting event, but unfortunately I already have plans. Maybe that's a good thing because pea pie doesn't sound that appetizing anyways ;)

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [culturecircle-96] New Meetup: Pi Day!
Date: Tue, 9 Mar[masked]:46:38 -0500

Announcing a new Meetup for The Intelligent Conversation Meetup!

What: Pi Day!

When: Sunday, March 14,[masked]:00 PM

PJs Coffee
7624 Maple St
New Orleans, LA 70118

We have the privilege of having Pi Day happening less than a week from now.

So despite a bit of short notice, here's the info on a Pi Day Celebration :

Will start at 1:59 PM officially [masked]....), though if this is too early for people (due to parades or other events) we will reschedule for 5:30 or 6 PM the same day and place.

At the moment there are no pies scheduled to be there, but feel free to bring some or elaborate on this pun however you would like. Consider the ratio of Phi when looking for a particular pi(e) to pick out ;)

Hope to see everyone there for just general geekery!

- D.

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