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New Event: Purely Social, Great People, All Fun

From: user 2.
Sent on: Friday, November 16, 2007, 7:09 AM
Announcing a new event for Spiritual People Networking Group!

What: Purely Social, Great People, All Fun

When: Saturday, December 1, 3:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Our last meeting was on the westside out in Culver City. This time, let's meet up in Hollywood at our favorite coffee spot.

We're meeting at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, which is at 6255 W Sunset Blvd (Unit 170) in Hollywood. That's just east of Vine St, on the corner of Argyle. That makes for easy access to and from the 101 for our friends in the Valley. :)

For conversation starters, bring your favorite spiritual or inspirational book. Or, just come as you are and jump in the conversation as much or as little as you want. This is a very relaxed, informal gathering. We're just here to have fun, make friends, and support one another spiritually.

All people from all walks of life and faiths/paths are welcome.

Look for us sitting at a table outside the coffee shop, weather permitting. :)

You should be able to find street parking on any of the neighboring streets. But as always, double check signs and meters before you park. We live in L.A. We know how it is. lol.

See you there!

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