What we’re about
**CCC has tentatively restarted follow haitus since February with COVID19. Please get in touch if you want to participate!** Corda Tuesdays: learning, programming, networking and no boring powerpoint.
The Corda Code Club is a Programmers Association of Corda DLT enthusiasts who meet every Tuesday after work to develop CorDapps, learn the latest tools and solve problems together as a Social Activity.
A good meetup is all about the people who join and attend events. We are trying to create a fun meetup, where the people who attend get a lot from coming. We, the organisers put in a huge amount of effort into each event to make it as good as possible and we ask that when you join you tell us your full name and give a couple of words of self introduction.
+++ Note that we operate a strict zero tolerance policy toward any form of harassment during our events, treat all incidents seriously and promptly investigate all allegations of harassment and take the necessary action. +++
+++ At this moment recruitment agents are NOT permitted to join. +++