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Fun Time With Corgi Membership Fee

From: Teresa
Sent on: Friday, June 8, 2007, 9:01 PM
Hello ?Fun time with Corgi? members,

Over the past several months it has been a pleasure to meet many of you at our Meet-ups. It all started when Teresa had the brilliant idea to round up people who owned corgis for outings and adventures. Almost a year later, we have created a network of over 50 people in the Puget Sound region who love to spend with their dogs on the beach, at the park and along the trail. For many of us, this is our first dog and definitely our first corgi. We?ve been able to provide each other with lots of training tips, exercise and good, clean fun.

But, unfortunately, the Meet-up service is not free. The organizer is charged a $20 month fee for the upkeep of the website. To save this cost, we could create a Yahoo group, but it would not be as accessible and interactive, so we think the meet-up site works pretty well and would like to keep it. But we can?t do so without your involvement.

We?d like to propose a small fee for those who have attended our meet-ups so that we may continue to grow as a community of dedicated corgi people. If everyone could contribute $10 (cash please) on/after the date of their second meet-up, it would be much appreciated. The yearly fee will be $10, no matter how many meet-ups you attend. If you have already attended 2 or more meet-ups and plan to attend more, your timely payment would be much appreciated! This fee will cover the cost of the website for the year, anything extra will be held by Teresa for future things to come.

To keep things simple, easy and fun, just give Teresa, Laurie or Jamie your payment and we will cross you off the list for the year. We have enjoyed meeting all of you over the last year and hope that we will continue to see you at our events.

If you ever have a suggestion for a fun outing, please let us know. Coming soon, we hope to have a cook-out at a farm in Arlington (where there are lots of sheep) and weekend camp out on the southern Washington coast.

Thanks very much,

Your Organizers, Teresa, Laurie, Jane and Jamie

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