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What we’re about

Hello coffee and tea lovers,

After a temporary hiatus, we are excited to announce the restart of coffee and tea meetup group! It's been a while since we last gathered to share our love for these beverages, but we're eager to reconnect with our community.

Join us for a cozy coffee and tea meetup where we can indulge in our love for warm beverages and engaging conversations. Whether you're a coffee connoisseur or a tea aficionado, this is the perfect event to connect with like-minded individuals who appreciate the art of brewing and savoring these delightful drinks.

Beyond the beverages, this meetup is designed to foster meaningful connections and conversations. We encourage participants to bring their own unique stories, experiences, and perspectives to share with the group. Whether it's discussing your favorite coffee shops around the city, sharing travel tales related to coffee and tea, or simply exchanging tips on achieving the perfect brew, this gathering is a platform for enthusiastic dialogue.

So, if you're looking for a relaxing and educational experience centered around coffee and tea, join us at our upcoming meetup. Let’s create a warm and welcoming space where we can connect over our shared love for these beloved beverages.

Group rules and guidelines:

Be respectful and inclusive: Treat all participants with kindness, respect their opinions, and avoid any form of discrimination or disrespectful behavior.

Pay attention to time and schedule: Be punctual and respect the designated start and end times of the meetup. If you are running late or unable to attend, communicate it in advance.

Participate and engage: Contribute to the conversation and make an effort to engage with others.

Be open to new experiences: Embrace different flavors and varieties of coffee and tea. Respect others' preferences and be willing to try new things.

Clean up after yourself: In self-service venues dispose of any waste properly and keep the meetup area tidy. Cleaning up demonstrates consideration for the venue and other attendees.

Privacy and confidentiality: Respect the personal stories or experiences shared during the meetup. Do not share or discuss these outside of the group unless given explicit permission.

Follow applicable laws and regulations: Abide by any local or venue-specific rules regarding behavior and any other regulations that may apply during the meetup.