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PDF Forms Webinar | 15 minutes & ADIM

From: Kelly M.
Sent on: Monday, March 30, 2015, 9:44 AM

Hi all,

I'm doing a "pop-up" Webinar for today at 10 am (PST). Feel free to join using the link below.

roundpegTV | Connect Login

User Name

No Login is necessary, simply type your name then click the radio button to "Enter as a Guest" and click Enter Room.

Tech Notes

We recommend that you hard-wire (Ethernet) cable if possible. It makes the screen sharing much faster and Voice Over IP less "skippy." Wireless is ok, but typically slower.

Update Your Flash Player

Please be sure you are on the latest version of the Flash Player, if your player is old you may experience connection issues. Click here for the latest Flash Player

Adobe ADIM Conference | Shakespeare Upon the Sea

Save $100 (see below)

April 12 – 15th 2015
Pacific Grove, CA 
A few seats "left-ith"

Hosted by the one and only Adobe Principal Creative Director Russell Brown, this fun, lively and inspirational event is for graphic designers, art directors, photographers and creative directors seeking fresh, inventive ways to use the newest Adobe Creative Cloud.

Does learning all of the new and useful features in the Adobe Creative Cloud sound like fun? If so, join us for this unique event to thrive on creativity and be surrounded by some of the most inspirational and brilliant minds in the design world.

Creative Cloud lovers save $100 with coupon code: AdobeFriend (not case sensitive)

Use on the second page of registration:







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