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What we’re about

Welcome, Crows Nest Information Security is hosting a monthly gathering for everyone interested in the world of cybersecurity. This platform is perfect for those eager to exchange ideas, stay updated on the latest in cyber threats and defenses, and collaborate on projects. Whether you're starting your journey in information security or are a seasoned professional, your insights and curiosity are valued here. All are welcome. Feel free to bring a laptop if you wish.
Join us every 3rd Saturday of the month, from 9 AM to 12 PM.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘ Connect with Us:
Discord: Crows Nest Information Security

Our Gathering Principles:
Our meetups are founded on three key principles: Open Knowledge Exchange, Respectful Interaction, and Community Empowerment. We encourage a culture of respect and learning, and any misconduct can be reported to our organizers.

What to Expect:
πŸ” At our gatherings, you can look forward to:

Networking with a diverse range of individuals passionate about information security.
Discussing and staying current with cybersecurity trends and challenges.
Sharing your experiences and learning from the collective knowledge of the group.
Seeking and offering advice on career development and cybersecurity expertise.
Participating in an active, supportive community focused on mutual learning and collaboration.

There's no membership requirement; our meetups are open to anyone with an interest in cybersecurity. It's about coming together, sharing knowledge, and growing as part of an engaging, ever-evolving field. We're more than just a meetup; we're a network of individuals committed to the betterment of information security and community development.

Upcoming events (4+)

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