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What we’re about

Welcome to the Crypto Gaming Cabal!

This is an open group for game developers interested in the adoption of blockchain and web3 technology in gaming!

Join us and...

- Tell us why you're excited about the use of blockchain and web3 technology in games.

- Discuss "Play-to-Earn" as a business model, what kinds of new experiences it can map to and what new and existing games are on our radar.

- Share details, screenshots, builds, whatever, on the new project(s) you're working on... ask for feedback if you want!

- Pitch your services... this is a new emerging space and this is your chance to meet people who work in games and are chomping at the bit to meet "crypto natives"

- Challenge each other! Discuss the hard questions around NFTs. If we're seriously interested in the space then why not take concerns from the wider gaming community seriously...

- Grab a beer, celebrate the wins and cry in each others arms as we figure together out the opportunities and challenges that await us in this new frontier!

Feel free to join our official channels as well to keep in touch:

