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What we’re about

CryptoMondays is a decentralized organization with over 9,000 members internationally across 30 cities in  15 different countries.  CryptoMondays Shanghai will bring people together that are passionate about Crypto while sharing their views, networking, learning and having a blast. We'll drink, we'll laugh, we'll learn, we'll have fun, while driving crypto further in to the ecosytem.  


Typically, the format will surround one or two short 5 min project presentations maximum, followed by an hour long, open panel of 4 to 5 guests  (Co-Founder & CEOs) discussing a particular topic that will be 25% led by two moderators and 75% led by questions from the attendees.  The objective is to have mass participation in sharing ideas and concepts while also allowing projects to present themselves through their answers. 

Who can participate?

Anyone and Everyone!  As this is a decentralized meetup anyone is able to create and schedule a meetup and participate, we are mainly providing a platform to have conversations and network and share ideas and help facilitate.  Have a topic you want discussed, let us know and we will find appropriate projects or thought leaders to speak.  Have a project you want to present, let us know, will find supporting projects to fill in and have an evening of discussion. 

How to register to attend events and stay up to date?

All attendees will need to register for each individual event through and can stay up to date by scanning the WeChat QR code in the banner and feel free to reach out to myself or any of the Co-Organizers through or WeChat.