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Last Night's Gathering and Community Update....

From: Donna S.
Sent on: Sunday, November 11, 2012, 9:38 AM


Good Morning All...

Feeling so blessed electric came on yesterday for my home where I do all my Meetup emails...

Just taking a moment to Thank Barnes and Noble and Atlantic Bread Company in Brick Town for providing me with a warm, inviting space the last two weeks...

Ask and it is always provided...  :  )

As I reflect on last night's gathering, I am truly humbled with the many blessings that were shared during our pre-conversation before the Bowls sang by our wonderful, wonderful Community...

All were asked to share their name and a story of "Light" that they witnessed during the storm...

Included were neighbors helping neighbors, the outpour of donations, volunteers working 18 hour days, board games with family, contagious hugs, the art of listening and the appreciation of the simple things in life...

When darkness appears, those who walk towards the light will transcend remembering their soul's purpose, which is that of service and love...

And this my friends, is the vibration we are feeling and seeing as we begin to rebuild our Jersey Shore...

The bowls sang gentle and then strong...announcing to all that their inner strength is always present and guidance is just an asking away...

The dominant bowls were the Heart, Zeal and Solar Plexus...

The message:

Love Is The Breath Of Life...

Breathe Little Ones...Breathe...

The totem was a Hippopotamus:

While underwater, the Hippopotamus is able to see, hear and breathe.  He can teach us a higher level of perception, increasing our intuition for the heart, which shows us the truth of all situations in life...(My heart always sings with these beautiful messages of assistance to us)

Maura gifted us with the message from the Angels:

Stop inventing ourselves...

Begin to allow our innate gifts to surface...

Struggle is a thing of the past...we have come to this incarnation with choice...

Sending love, light, strength and compassion to all...

This week sent your intention to share the vibration of love...

"One For All - All For One"...

The Biggest of Hugs...
