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This Week's Gatherings...

From: Donna S.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 4:20 PM


Hello All...

So blessed to have shared in so many lovely, vibrational gatherings...

Thank you to those who sent emails this week, sharing your vibrational experiences and unfolding...

They tickle my heart with joy and I so appreciate receiving them...

On Saturday, I truly loved being witness to all your Aura Photography Portraits...

So many inspirational blueprints were taken...

Your portrait serves as a visual  "touchstone" to help you understand your vibrational beauty and how it radiates out to all...

I have selected one message to share with you this week:

The intention, "Trust"...

The message:

Soften your heart...

Soften your life experience...

Soften your life experience...

Soften your lesson...

Soften your lesson...

Create understanding...

Create understanding...

Know Peace...

The dominant bowls were the Throat, (Communication), Heart, (Love), and Third Eye, (Intuition)

The totem was a "Blue Jay" which teaches us to use our personal power properly...

The word "Jay" comes from the Latin word "Gaea", which is Mother Earth. A Blue Jay totem can link the Heavens and the Earth, giving you access to Universal energies and power...

Continue to open your heart, let go of old beliefs, give the gift of service, share a kind word and give out many hugs...

I honor your unique journey and your Divine Light...

Love, Love, Love...
