What we’re about
This is a a group for people who live and work In CT and the surrounding area, The point of this group is as much to allow meeting, forming friendships, and having fellowship with others whose hearts belong in the city, as it is to take trips into the city for all that it offers.
Some of the event types we offer are :Museums, bowling, pool, golf, bingo, shows, rock climbing, mingles and more.
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Zoom SURVEY Says! California Wildfire fundraiser (pay what you want)Needs location$15.00
This is the PG Version of our Survey Says event
100% of the event profits will be donated to a California wild fire relief effort (probably Convoy of Hope or CORE).You can pay what you want and it will donated. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/online-pay-what-u-want-survey-says-tickets-1075095953939?
. We also do some fun interactive audience participation stuff (optional)
You can attend via a computer & Webcam or Smartphone/Ipad/Tablet.HOW IT WORKS
This completely online event will be LIVE and you will be able to see and hear the other participants while playing. In addition you get to meet and interact with other participants.At game time, your host will read off Survey questions. Your goal is to come up with the top answer to each question. Once the round is over (about 6 questions), we will go through the answers and determine who had the highest score for the round. They will get a raffle ticket for a chance to win a prize at the end of the event.
We will have multiple rounds of play and have a system to also virtually introduce you to other participants.
After you purchase your ticket, you will get a confirmation with the zoom link for you to use to log in.RSVPS ON HERE ARE NOT REFLECTIVE OF ACTUAL ATTENDANCE as this is a multi group event.
You can pay what you want and it will donated. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/online-pay-what-u-want-survey-says-tickets-1075095953939?