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What we’re about

The Cuddle Group

Welcome to the Cuddle Group where people come together to connect with each other in an amazing way as a dance, touch and massage.

A cuddle group is a structured, connecting workshop which explores affection, intimacy, boundaries and verbal/non-verbal communication.

This is a non-sexual event in which you can meet new people in a relaxing environment. A safe place where you can experiment with whatever allows you to feel considered and respected as well as to feel clear about the non-sexual touch that feels good to you.It is a fun networking event where you can meet new friends.

Touch is a vital part of everyday life. But with today's busy lifestyle some people are not able to be as tactile and have the human connection with others that they would like. Being tactile with other people can help reduce stress and increase positivity. Even if you are not too used to being cuddled or hugged you can come along and enjoy the safe environment of the Cuddle Group.

Cuddle groups are for everyone, so come along if you are single, a couple in a relationship, a group of friends. oh and it goes without saying you can be a man or a women.

However we will try to balance equal number of woman and men for each meeting to keep femine and male part balanced.

There will be a small entry fee required to pay rent and for organisation.

If you say you will attend any event please keep this commitment thanks.

Love Lenka)