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Urgent Cashflow Host needed fpr Weds Meetup

From: andy t.
Sent on: Sunday, October 12, 2014, 6:31 PM

Hi gang,

As I was on my way home from the hospital today (long story aske me next time we meet) I realized that we have back to back meetings and I will be working out of state this week.  So we desperately need someone to host Cashflow on Weds. night at Coco's. You are welcome to use my boards of course.  Please call Andy if you can help[masked]


PS my wife is opening her new old fashioned men's barber shop on Weds as well, $10 haircuts all day with proceeds going to City of Hope.  Come in if you want a classic old fashioned Barber cut or a hot towel Shave.  Her shop is at[masked] El Paseo on the back side, enter off Portola by Circle K.

Thanks, Andy