This session is suitable for everyone and all are welcome. We'd like to thank one of our regular members, Richard Collings for putting up the hand to volunteer as presenter for this one.
It seems to be generally agreed that when working with complex problems, diversity and dissent are a good thing. But dissent and conflict are often seen to be problematic in both work and personal contexts. How to resolve?
Richard Collings, a digital and change consultant will be joining us from the UK to share both his practical experience and some research he has been doing on this topic, looking at both why conflict can be valuable and also some practical tools and techniques for how to do it well
This work is very much a 'work in progress' so in addition to hearing where Richard has got to, there will plenty of opportunity to reflect on your experience/use of conflict, to explore the topic with others and share your experience/knowledge.
Richard has spent the last thirty years working as independent consultant in the UK not for profit sector specifically with organisations that deliver complex services helping them find, design, implement and rollout out new digital systems to support those services. In virtually every case, this has involved significant change in difficult circumstances - informal systems, differing views and ways of working, organisational politics, interpersonal differences and much else.
Over 10 years ago he came across Dave Snowden's Cynefin Sensemaking framework and discovered that 'complex systems' were thing and has been exploring these and related topics since then. And as part of this has come to understand the value of dissent done well when working with complex situations.
We will open the session at 5:30pm Melbourne time and start at 5:45pm.