What we’re about
Dear Members
As we continue to offer Transmission Meditation (transmissionmeditation.org) as a world service and potent technique for personal spiritual growth, we are expanding our content to include the wide-ranging transformation that the Aquarian energies are creating on Earth.
Our new name, The Age of Aquarius Meetup, reflects this new and broader content. Andy and I are planning some Zoom presentations to introduce you to the many facets of this transformation, affecting both individuals and humanity as a whole.
Every 2500 years, give or take, our solar system aligns with a different constellation in the sky, and the energies of that constellation pour into the system, and of course, over the Earth. Each constellation radiates different energies, so the resulting civilizations change to reflect the new energies. We are now in full reception of the energies of Aquarius, thus the turmoil to be expected at the end of one civilization and the beginning of a new one.
During this time of transformation, there are severe stresses upon the people of Earth, especially those who do not know of or understand the qualities of Aquarian energies, and so become confused and fearful of what the future holds for our Planet. The polarization now fully in play, is the direct result of this confusion and fear. Our presentations and links to further reading will provide a positive perspective on current events, and hopefully your lives. We are living in historic times. The more you respond, the more we will provide in the way of content and talks. If there is enough interest to warrant in-person events, we'll move to a venue and make announcements. Until then, we'll use the Zoom platform. Share International has been working for over 30 years to educate the public in preparation for this very time in history. We are all volunteers, focussed on this very unique mission: the return of the Masters of Wisdom and their Leader, the World Teacher for Aquarius, Maitreya.
For your research, here are some links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkyeFmbAtn8; https://www.share-international.us/documents/Christianity_and_AgelessWisdomTeaching.pdf; www.share-international.us; https://share-international.org/in-depth/transmission-meditation/ the Share International channel on Youtube.com: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=share+international.
Let us know your thoughts.
Betsy and Andy