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What we’re about

Welcome to the DFW Singles MeetUp group, where singles from all walks of life come together to connect, mingle, and make meaningful connections! Whether you're new to the area, tired of the dating app scene, or simply looking to expand your social circle, this group is for you.

LOHO Today (, the creator of MYPLET™, the innovative bracelet designed to help single people meet others around them, is on a mission to redefine the modern approach to meeting people, stepping away from digital interactions and embracing the beauty of in-person connections.

Loho Today is dedicated to revolutionizing the way people connect. MYPLET™ turns everyday encounters into opportunities and is a modern solution to a classic way of meeting in person. When worn, it discreetly signals to others about your relationship status and lets you see others. MYPLET™ is already making waves across the US, facilitating connections, sparking conversations wherever it's worn and creating couples from coast to coast.

At Loho Today, we're all about breaking barriers and fostering connections without limitations. That's why we don't believe in restricting our events by age. After all, we're firm believers that age is just a number and love knows no bounds. Attendees will have the freedom to choose their connections based on genuine chemistry and compatibility, without any age restrictions holding them back.

MYPLET™: In a world where digital love often overshadows the potential for real-life connections, people invest substantial time and money in the pursuit of romance on dating apps. Little do they realize that amidst their daily routines – be it at work, school, hikes, gym sessions, grocery runs, or dining out – countless opportunities for meaningful connections await. MYPLET™, the innovative wristlet for singles, seeks to revolutionize this pattern.

By seamlessly integrating into everyday life, MYPLET™ acts as a discreet cupid, ensuring users don't overlook the intriguing individuals they encounter in the real world. It's a subtle yet powerful solution, bridging the gap between the virtual and tangible, turning mundane activities into opportunities for serendipitous connections. Say goodbye to missed chances and hello to the effortless magic of MYPLET™.

MYPLET™- your best friend in the matters of the heart!
Join us as we go back to basics and rediscover the joy of meeting face-to-face.

Reminder: Stop Swiping, Start Meeting!
Disclaimer:  This group is not for pick-up or seduction techniques, or wingman tactics.
P.S. Our group welcomes individuals of all ages, with certain events tailored to specific age groups for a more personalized experience.