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What we’re about

What is Dark Fiction Wrtiers?
Dark Fiction Writers is a writing group for aspiring authors of dark fiction, or those whote write primarily other genres but wish to share pieces that fall into this category. The group serves as a way for writers and other interested parties to meet, build a network, share their works, provide and receive critique and feedback, and improve their craft and those of others as equals in a safe, supportive environment.

Original formed and based in the city of Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) as Toronto Horror Writers, the group is now "Dark Fiction Writers" as meetings available online are available to those situated in any geography.

What is "Dark Fiction"?
Dark fiction includes fiction of any genre which contains a "dark element" or touches on themes typically associated with the horror genre. This may include things like the death and dying, frightening or terrifying themes, monsters and/or the supernatural, morbid or transgressive elements, bleak or hopeless situations or worlds, and the nature of evil, to name a few.

Example sub-genres of speculative fiction include dark sci-fi and dark fantasy. Examples of non-speculative include thriller and noir.

Who is this group for?
Writers of dark fiction in the Toronto area willing to participate and attend meetings.

Is dark fiction the same as horror?

Does dark fiction have to be speculative?

Is this the same group that used to be Toronto Horror Writers?

Then, why the change?
The change was motivated to broaden both the group membership as well as breadth of work shared at meetings. While the horror genre is fairly niche and somewhat restrictive, the criteria for what constitutes dark fiction is wider and substantially more diverse (even including genres like black comedy).

Given the meetings occurring in the online realm, those from any geography are now free to join and attend meetings. In-person meetings will continue to be held in the city of Toronto.

If you think this group is for you but aren't sure, then the answer is probably "yes" and you should come out and see.

Upcoming events (1)

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