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What we’re about

This is a private, critical thinking discussion group for political conservatives in NorCal. The group meets in Davis, where it functions as a SUPPORT group. If you live in left wing Davis, you get the joke. The group is especially for people who have traditional conservative beliefs and feel stifled attempting to discuss them with left wing family members, friends, and colleagues. Trying to discuss our right wing or even right of center beliefs can alienate us from our friends/family in California. One of our exercises will be to take turns steel-manning views on the left (arguing the left position), because if you know little of your opponent's position, you know little of your own.

Here is what the group values, the classics: critical thinking over emotion, self-determination, personal responsibility, hard work, color blindness, the existence of men and women as distinct entities, the right of a sovereign nation to have a border, the fact that abortion is the destruction of a human life, freedom of speech, and the importance of the second amendment as a safeguard against tyranny (creeping or otherwise), the alarming bias of the news media, the danger of the ideological capture of America's institutions, rioting is never acceptable, and the police are valued. Parents raise kids; teachers teach reading, writing, rithmatic. Words are not violence, nor is silence. Violence is violence. Victimhood is not a virtue. No one gives a shit about what folks find offensive.

Here is what the group does not value: conspiracy theories such as 9/11 trutherism, plandemic, Obama birtherism. Trump. He tried to overthrow the US election process while claiming it was being stolen from him. He is a terminal liar and is unamerican and has no sympathy in this group. QAnon is nonsense. Again, Trump lost the 2020 election.

As mentioned above, this can be a support group too. Feel free to tell how you have struggled explaining and defending your views to friends and loved ones without endangering your relationships and isolating yourself.