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What we’re about

Come experience pure, therapeutic grade essential oils and learn about all the many ways they can be used to support a healthy lifestyle. We have 3 teachers who will teach you how to use Essential Oils to support your health and well being. Our Essential oils are safe for the whole family and pets and are CERTIFIED PURE THERAPUTIC GRADE. Let us help you find how the power of Essential Oils can make great changes in your life and create a healthier and happier life! If you are already a seasoned essential oil user, you are still welcome to join us! I learn something fun and new almost every day :)
We will also have a Make And Take Class (Rollerballs to take with you) as an option during the day. Take all the classes or just come for the one most convenient for you. And stop by the Dillard House Restaurant for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner to add to your fun day! (***food not included in our offer, just a great reason to make the trip to add on to your day**)