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January 20: BOD Meetup Report

From: ReneeA
Sent on: Saturday, January 24, 2015, 9:31 PM

Ben led the group in a couple of games of a new game he bought (similar to a Timeline game, but measuring different qualities of countries, such as population and economy; I can't remember its name).

I arrived late, and then we played my new game, Five Tribes. I played this over New Year's, and lost horribly, but I guess I learned something, because this time, I won. We actually played too many rounds, misremembering one of the end game conditions, and I think Ben might have been winning at the moment the game should have ended. I consider it a shared victory.

Tyler and I ended with a round of Hanabi, in which we got three bombs and blew up. Oh, well. <sigh>

tyler janis said:
The game we started with was cardline

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