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Southwest Ohio GiveCamp Oct. 21

From: Nathan
Sent on: Monday, August 22, 2016, 1:39 PM

Southwest Ohio GiveCamp needs your support. For one weekend in October, we’ll take on the technology wish lists of non-profit organizations, and we’re looking for volunteers, both technical and non-technical, to help us do it.

In its first 6 years, Southwest Ohio GiveCamp has had over 400 volunteers contribute over 8,000 hours on more than 60 non-profit projects. The projects have ranged from simple website rebuilds to iPhone and Android applications. The more volunteers we have, the more non-profits we can assist.

We need:
Developers (any language)
Web and User Experience Designers
Database Administrators
Project Managers
Anyone who wants to help!

You will:
Create custom software for non-profit organizations
Donate your time
Work as part of a team and meet new colleagues
Share your skills and learn new ones
Walk away knowing that you helped make the world a better place

When and where:
From 5pm on Friday, October 21 to 4pm on Sunday, October 23, 2016 at Miami University's Voice of America Learning Center in West Chester, Ohio (

Are you a non-developer?
There are many ways that non-developers can help.Before the event you can help review the Charities requirements to help them organize their ideas and get them ready for the developers.On the day of the event, volunteers are needed to help set out food, stocking the refrigerator, writing content for websites, and generally just checking up on the teams to see how they’re doing.

The bottom line is – if you want to participate in a GiveCamp event, we’ll find a way for you to do it!

To sign up, go to