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Schedule change, grab your coffee and then read this

From: Alex
Sent on: Sunday, August 4, 2013, 7:28 AM
Good Morning, Python Programmers!

Last week I sent out an email to everyone who RSVP'd to this Tuesday's meeting stating the following: unfortunately, we need to reschedule to Monday (i.e. tomorrow).

Double unfortunately, we need to change the location.

Triply unfortunately, I've not yet heard from the new venue (1776 incubator) if we are confirmed to show up Monday night (anyone from 1776 on this list!?)

However, having already changed the day I'm not going to do that again this late. So we *will* meet tomorrow night… somewhere.

Current Plan

If all goes well, 1776 will confirm and we'll meet there tomorrow night and Robert will present.

Failover One

If that fails, I'm now considering offers for fail-over locations (only in the event we do not here from 1776.)

Failover Two

If none of those offers materialize (i.e. if 1776 fails and no one else volunteers space on short notice), then we will *still* meet flash-mob style at a bar somewhere (with apologies to Robert, who I would need to re-schedule at that point).

Sorry for the confusion! We should return to our normal schedule back at BrowserMedia/nclud next month.

And I *will* see you somewhere tomorrow night. Please stay tuned to:

which I will keep updated with the latest changes as they happen and if they happen. If you don't see a change, you can assume all systems go.



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