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Re: [DCPython] uploading to Teradata

From: Erik L.
Sent on: Monday, October 5, 2015, 8:25 PM
For high performance data loads on postgres (which I think teradata is based on?), I’ve had by far the best results just generating raw “copy into” statements to stdout or a file and piping it straight into psql. If you use the pg_dump utility, you can take a look at the sql it generates and do the same.

Hope this helps.


On Oct 5, 2015, at 8:09 PM, simk0020 <[address removed]> wrote:

I am trying to upload a datafile to Teradata using python. 

For smaller dataframes, I have used for loops with insert statment. However, this cannot be the proper way to do it. 

I have heard of pd.to_sql function but have struggled with the sqlalchemy engine. 

Looking for thoughts on the best way to do this.

Really appreciate the comments.


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