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2nd Bethesda Sprint is a wrap! Thank you attendees & O'Reilly

From: Alex
Sent on: Tuesday, October 10, 2017, 4:30 PM
Hi DC Python,

Thanks to everyone who made the October 7th O'Reilly event a very successful sprint! We hope everyone who attended found it to be both informative and enjoyable. A special thank you to the volunteers who generously lent both their time and their energy to help us set up and break down. We are so grateful to you for all of your help!!

Congratulations to the lucky winners of the raffle! Enjoy your wonderful O'Reilly prizes.

We also want to give our sincere appreciation and gratitude to O'Reilly--our sponsor-- who made this sprint possible. We encourage all DC Python members to check out their Software Architecture 2-Day Training onOctober 29th and October 30th at:

If you had a good experience at this or any DC Python Meetup event and would like to share your comments with us/the DC Python community, please feel free to post it on the Meetup page--either in group reviews or under the event you attended. We really appreciate the feedback and it helps others to learn and understand more about what we do:

Thanks again to all who came to the Bethesda Sprint, helped, and/or otherwise enjoy the services we provide. We look forward to seeing you at our next event!

Alex Clark ·