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Re: [dcrug] growing our local community

From: Allison
Sent on: Thursday, October 3, 2013, 2:26 PM
It'd be great to have more people from DC RUG there! Just to clarify, Rails Girls isn't just for women. It's for any one at any code level. See you then!


From: Jim Gay <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Thursday, October 3,[masked]:47 PM
Subject: [dcrug] growing our local community

Hi everybody!
DC RUG has been an anchor point for learning and sharing ideas about
Ruby (and more) for years.
It would be awesome to see the community grow even more. Rails Girls
DC is a great group and their next meetup is October 8th.

Please try to attend. You can hack, coach, learn, and generally make
things great for every programmer there.


Write intention revealing code #=>

Jim Gay
Saturn Flyer LLC

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