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What we’re about

CSGW is a club formed in 1953 to bring together single Catholic professionals who are free to marry in the Church so they can meet in a Christian context and form friendships while participating in religious, charity, cultural, social, sports, and club leadership activities. Membership in this site is free. It offers a sample of our public activities. Membership in the CSGW Club requires payment of $35 annual dues. Club members receive our newsletter, discounts at some events, and the opportunity to attend Regional and National Conventions with single Catholics from other chapters of our organization. Visit our club's website at for complete details about our membership requirements and member benefits.

Please note that club members learn about activities through our newsletter and prospective members may find us through other online sources besides Meetup as well as through notices in parish bulletins. So there probably will be more people attending a given activity than the Meetup RSVPs would indicate. Hope to see you at an event soon!