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Important: AGM on August 28th - send your nominations now!

From: Hanneke
Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014, 20:18

HHHi all,

One of the most important ZH3 events of the year, the AGM, is coming up. 
Details below.

New this year is the run-of-the-year election!
Please send us your nominations for the committee and run of the year now, at [address removed].

This year the AGM will be on Thursday 28 August. Don't forget to RSVP to the meetup event. 
We'll do a short run & mini circle, with the AGM afterwards. 
Save the date, there will be free beer!

Location: to be determined

Hare: to be determined


For those of you who don't know what an AGM is: This is the time when you get to vote on who will mismanage our hash for another year or so. 
All hash job holders are being voted for. Please note that you can only vote if you have done at least 5 runs with ZH3 in the last year.

New is the election of the best/funniest/hashiest run of the year. So please send us your nomination for your favourite run that took place since the last AGM in April 2013.

The roles in the Mismanagement are:

Grand Master (GM): 
General mismanagement, big events, socials etc.

Religious Advisor (RA): 
Weather and circle.

Hare Raiser: 
Gently persuading people to set runs.

Organisation and information.

Hash Cash: 
Wealth and liquidity.

Hash Pimp: 
Promotion and misinformation.

Maintaining and improving the web site.



Make sure there's enough stylish haberdashery.

General slave:
General slavery


So, if you think you have that special talent, please step forward and contact our current GM, See No Evil at [address removed].

Or, if you know someone who would be perfect (hash terms apply) for a position, you can of course nominate them.

FYI, the current mismanagement is:

GM: See No Evil

RA (ad interim): Thirsty Thursday

Hare Raiser: Ice Footsie

On-Sec: Ice Footsie & See No Evil

Hash Cash: Belches With Wolves

Hash Pimp: none

Webslave: Tall Balls

Songmeister (ad interim): Wet&Ready

Beermeister (ad interim): Forrest Hump

Haberdasher: Wet&Ready

General Slave: Tall Balls


We look forward to seeing many of you on August 28th! 
For any questions or more information on the positions, just contact us!

your mismanagement