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"Why are you still here?"

From: Luke S.
Gesendet am: Montag, 26. Oktober 2015, 18:36

Hey Lean Startup Fans,

In 2008, Apple Product Manager Sabih Khan was meeting with then COO Tim Cook about a production snafu in China.

Tim said, “This is bad. Someone ought to get over there.”

Thirty minutes went by and the conversation moved to other topics.Suddenly, Tim looked back at Sabih and asked, "Why are you still here?"

Sabih left the meeting immediately, drove directly to San Francisco Airport, got on the next flight to China without even a change of clothes. But you can bet that problem was resolved fast.

Dave Giroud, CEO and founder of personal finance startup Upstart claims "speed is a defining characteristic — if not the defining characteristic — of the leader in virtually every industry you look at."

And the single biggest roadblock or supercharger to your company's speed of execution is your company's culture.

On Thursday, we're going deep on company culture with Alexander Osterwalder. It's the singlemost important factor affecting your speed of execution.

If you have more than one person working on your startup, product, or idea, pay attention. And join us.

When: Thursday, October 29,[masked]:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Where: Pivotal Labs, 4th floor, Bentima House,[masked] Old Street, EC1V 9BP
Reserve your spot for: GBP15.00

Sign up over here for Alex Osterwalder on how to improve your company's "innovation culture":


Tomorrow morning we are hosting #LeanCoffee. What is #LeanCoffee and why the #hashtag?

#LeanCoffee is an open sourced meeting format, where the agenda is determined on spot--based on what the attendees want to talk about. We didn't come up with it, but we know a good thing when we see one. And we just nabbed it. As for the #hashtag, we just want to be consistent.

You can go to other #LeanCoffees. Even in London. Yet our #LeanCoffee is focussed on applying lean startup.

We tend to attract tech founders like you. You're likely to find it to be a more genuine networking environment than the usual splashy beers and sweaty business cards. Networking that's fun. And you learn something, in addition to swapping notes with other Lean Startup practitioners.

Oh, not to mention the coffee, the raspberry muffin (included if you wish as part of your deposit), and the early riser ambiance as Shoreditch awakens....

So join us tomorrow morning at 8:15. But first, sign up over here:

When: Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 8:15 AM to 9:30 AM
Where: Coffee Junction, 42 Provost Street, London N1 7SU, London
Cost/Deposit: GBP5.00 /per person

Mention "Lean Coffee" when ordering your coffee and pastry.

Sign up over here:

and definitely check out the video on that page if you've never joined us for #LeanCoffee yet.

See you soon,

Luke and the Lean Startup Circle London co-organisers

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