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First Meetup Tomorrow!

From: Jonathan D.
Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 14. September 2011, 12:26

Don't forget! Tomorrow night at 6:30 pm at the Downtown Tech Center (423 East Town St, Columbus, Ohio) we'll be kicking off for our first meetup! Feedback has been great and it looks like we'll have a good starting turnout! Pizza and drinks will be provided so come hungry!

Our introductory meetup will primarily be spent getting to know one another, figure out what to organize for future meet ups and learn a bit about the larger WordPress community.

Last but not least, we have a simple request before you show. Help us build the community by tweeting, or posting to Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ or any of the other various social networks that might have people interested in WordPress. You can easily include a link to the meetup hub:

Thanks for your time! We are seriously excited to have a local WordPress community and can't wait to meet you!


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