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What we’re about

"Now, don’t just walk off the edge like lemmings! Look around you!” - Keating (Dead Poets Society)

A poetry appreciation society.
Our aim is to uncover and join our thoughts ~ express joy, pain, beauty, contentment, grief, love and selfhood through choosing, reading and discussing poems by recently or long dead poets.

Every month a theme will be given.
Every month YOU will choose a poem by a DEAD poet (one you love).
Every month we will meet at the Southbank Centre London.
Every month you will read your choice aloud and we will find ourselves, our likes, dislikes and passions through group discussion.

If you are shy - no matter - a volunteer will read your chosen poem aloud.
You are welcome as you are.

Dead poets are DEAD poets - no poems by living poets or lyricists may be chosen, except in January ~ our LIVING poet month.

All are welcome: be you poet or non-poet, LGBTQA+ or straight, member of a minority or a majority . . .