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What we’re about

Our logo, and the name of our newsletter: Pitta “The word PITTA has come into ornithology from the Telugu pitta, (small bird), latinized by Vieillot in 1816, as the name of a Genus, and since adopted by English ornithologists as the general name for a group of birds, remarkable for their great beauty. In ornithology, the word is first found as part of the native name ponnunky pitta given in 1713 by Petiver, in the “mantissa” to John Ray’s SYNOPSIS, on the authority of one Edward Buckley of Fort St. George, Madras city. This bird is the Pitta bengalensis (now P. brachyura) of modern ornithologists.” [Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed., 1911]

Deccan Birders is a non-governmental organization founded in 1980 (as Birdwatchers Society of Andhra Pradesh and renamed as Deccan Birders in 2018) by a few enthusiasts of Telangana/Andhra Pradesh with the primary objective of spreading the message of bird conservation. Deccan Birders is registered under the Public societies Registration Act – I of 1350F.
The aims and objects of the Society are as follows:
To inculcate in the people, especially the youth a spirit of adventure, a love and appreciation of the beauties of nature, especially the avifauna.To impress upon the people the role of avifauna in life on earth and the urgent need for their protection and conservation.To inculcate in the people a sense of responsibility towards maintaining the environment in a good state and the protection of the other inhabitants of this earth and particularly the avifauna.To work for the protection and conservation of bird sanctuaries, parks and habitats generally all over India and particularly in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.To promote amongst the people, the knowledge of ornithology in all its branches including particularly the study of bird life of the Oriental Regions, particularly India and the adjoining zoo-geographical regions; both alive and otherwise.To carry out research in all branches of ornithology and to assist with information and advice as well as financially where possible, other institutions and individual in similar pursuits.To provide, equip, maintain and replenish a museum and other repositories for birds, both living and dead, which are suitable and necessary for the study of birds.To do all or any of the above mentioned acts solely or with another or others, for joint management or collaboration or affiliation or any other arrangements with societies or persons having similar or allied objects which may further or benefit the objects of this Society.
Deccan Birders organizes field trips, lectures, film and slide shows, nature camps, treks, waterfowl counts, bird ringing, etc. For further information, please feel free to contact us:
Email ID:

984 947 0411   : JVD Moorty (President)
994 909 5660 : K. Bharadwaj (Vice-President)
939 122 7173    : Umesh Mani (Vice-President)