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What we’re about

defensive development [defdev] is a series of advanced, performance-oriented training events dedicated to helping pros build and maintain secure software. defdev has been designed to facilitate a unique secure development trainings program (both public and private trainings) in order to significantly improve the security quality of the software production by mastering secure coding skills and through adopting sticky dev practices that systematically reduce defects. Check out:

The local meetups are spinoffs of the defdev core delivering public (theater) and private trainings. While defdev core is profit oriented the defdev meetups are open and free.

Our meetups are tuned for advanced audience, though are comprehensible for anyone interested in the development process. Catered to [senior/medior devs, architects, testers, devops, team leads and secengs] by experienced appsec/secdev authorities to master the secure software production skills and practices.

defdev delivers trainings on Java, Javascript/React/Angular, Node.js, iOS/Android, C# and PHP secure coding, IoT and mainframe security, and also S-SDLC (secdev playbook) and CI/CD pipeline (security testing automation and vulnerability management). The courses are mostly structured on the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS), the mobile agenda -- by the mASVS topics.