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What we’re about

Welcome to the Delray Wellness Club, a community of likeminded individuals who are passionate about optimizing health and well-being!

We believe that wellness is not just about physical health, but encompasses mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being too. Our group is open to anyone who is interested in exploring different aspects and modalities of wellness in a high-vibe social setting.

Through a variety of events, activities, and conscious social gatherings hosted at pop up locations in and near Delray Beach, we aim to promote holistic wellness and connect our members with local businesses, healers, and service providers who share our values. Our events will include everything from yoga classes and meditation sessions to nutrition workshops and mindfulness walks.

By joining the Delray Wellness Club, you’ll have the opportunity to form new friendships, network with other wellness professionals, optimize your health, learn from experts, and participate in activities that will help you tap into your own inner wisdom and healing. Whether you’re a seasoned wellness enthusiast or just starting on your journey, you’ll find a fun and supportive community of wellness seekers who share similar goals and interests.

So why not join us today? Together, we’ll create a community that’s dedicated to living our healthiest, happiest lives.