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Lunar Eclipse, Holiday Special, and Favor to Ask...

From: VerDarLuz
Sent on: Wednesday, December 7, 2011, 9:48 AM

Lunar Eclipse, XMas Special, and Favor to Ask


  I hope this Mercury retrograde and Eclipse window has brought powerful revelations and insight to your life since Thanksgiving.

  Here's my new blog about the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse this Saturday Dec. 10th, at 7:30 am MTN time.  The Lunar Eclipse is a very potent Super Full Moon....  

  We had a full call for the teleseminar on Mercury Retrograde and the Solar Eclipse.  Thank you to all participants.  People really seemed to love the personal component of the teleseminar.

What you said tonight on the call was right on for what I'm blazing thru right now.”  - Linda

That was amazing and enlightening. Thank you so much for your very genuine and well studied information share. ”- Holly

  One of the big energies of 2012 is Mars in Virgo for 8 months, due to his retrograde motion.  This transit is demanding that we get fired up about our paths of sacred service and dedicated calling.  What is our unique form of Bhakti or spiritual devotion?  Do we have a consistent daily practice?  If not, we may find ourselves more irritated or reacting with a more aggresive or defensive tone.  When I'm working with clients these days, I'm definitely noting the house where Mars is asking us to tend the flame of our spirit as priest or priestess.


  I know that many of us don't have the resources or time for a full astrology reading, especially during the busy holidays.  But we want to take that Mars energy, prepare, and strategize for what’s shaping up to be a truly historical year.  That’s why I’m offering a Holiday special from now until December 16th, for 40 min $77 readings.  These will take place on Tuesday January 3rd and Friday January 6th.  If demand is high, I may open one other day on the 11th.  

  To register, click the paypal link and let me know your preferred time on those days when you send the $77 to [address removed] for the reading.   This could make a great xmas gift as well, but maybe an early gift so we can book those january dates!!


   Mars has been, well, lighting a fire under my ass, as I've completed the first draft of my next book, about the Wounded Healer. He's also been suggesting I should maybe teach another webinar course this winter, most likely about partnerships, one of my favorite areas of astrological insight.  But before I offer a course in the art of partnership, I'd really love to get clarity on just what people would like to know.

   If you could take just 3-4 minutes to fill out this 3 question survey, it would really help me create the best possible course.   

May your holiday season be celestially blessed!

Book Now - Limited Spots!
Tuesday January 3rd and Friday January 6th. 
40 min - $77  
2012 Preview 
Readings - Click

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