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Does Masonry Teach us to Revolt against the Modern World?

Photo of MPS - Matias Cumsille
Hosted By
MPS - Matias C.


June's topic will be conducted by Bro. Aksel Suvari in a study of Freemasonry discusses the question: "Does Masonry Teach Us to Revolt against the Modern World?"

In the work of the Italian philosopher Julius Evola we find a powerful exhortation to revolt against the modern world; against its stultifying, stagnating and smothering nature we are emboldened to resist! Modern man is rootless, a wanderer adrift in a sea of comfort and ease, a sea in which we drown ourselves! Does the philosophy of Freemasonry concur? Are we to throw off the shackles of modernity in favour of the freedom of nobility and tradition?

Mission Statement:
The Masonic Philosophical Society embraces the concept of learning, not for school, but for life, and believes that all men, who seek it, deserve access to continued education. We further embrace the concept of a community environment where ideas can be shared and debated in an open forum. From the seven liberal arts to the arcane, we seek to gain and share the knowledge that is the legacy of mankind.

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Photo of Freemasonry for Men & Women - Denver Study Center group
Freemasonry for Men & Women - Denver Study Center
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