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Healing Class - Connect with your Inner Healer.

From: Kendara L.
Sent on: Monday, January 27, 2014, 12:27 AM

I  posted this earlier, and am posting it again due to popular request.

Healing is something everyone can do.

The 'secret' is focusing and connecting with the perfection within.

In this fun, hands on class, we will discuss and practice various
types of healing. Areas covered include: Meditation, Chakra clearing,
and hands on healing, etheric touch energy blockage removal and Reiki.

You will leave with enough information, handouts and practice on how
to do basic hands on healings.

The class is Sat, Feb 15th from 1-3:30 at the First Spiritual Science Church.
3375 S. Dahlia

The price is $45

About Me. I have been a Reiki Master teacher for 15 years. I do channeled healings and consider myself a healer first and psychic second.
I am so excited to share this information with you!

You can register or contact me for more info at [address removed]
<mailto:[address removed]>

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