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What we’re about

This group is focused on married or long term relationship millennial men getting out around town with various events or activities. Your birth year should be between 1980 - 1996.

****If you are on your spouse's account, this is common and perfectly fine. Feel free to join the group with their account, we get it!

It’s well known that our age group has had a hard time making and keeping friends. 1 in 5 men in their 30s have no close friends (down from 1 in 33 in 1990).
Careers, kids, relationships, etc. often leave us short on time with friends and getting out meeting new people. Even more so if you are a transplant to the area or affected by Covid isolation.

There are already numerous singles groups around town for similar things, and mingled gender/age groups for specific interests, etc. This group focuses more narrowly in order to help attached men around our age feel more comfortable and interested in gathering and making friends, while doing fun things. This is not a dating group in any way (please read group rules about this).

The goal with most events is to make it convenient, easy, and low effort since life is already busy enough.

Please also join our matching Discord group where there are chat channels about event ideas, and miscellaneous topics:

(please DM us on Meetup if the link isn't working! We will send a new link to you)

Upcoming events (4+)

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