What we’re about
This group is for any parent/grandparent/custodian who has become estranged from their adult child (age 18 and over). This is for parents who maintained a close relationship with their child (children) throughout childhood only to be rejected at some point after the child reached adulthood. This is not meant to suggest perfect parenting, but to address the phenomenon of parental (as well as grandparental and other custodial) rejection that is unwarranted. This group is designed as a foundation for support and healing from a phenomenon that is ripping apart families and leaving good parents reeling in disbelief at the change in their child.
There is a $15 fee per meeting, due at the time of arrival. Cash preferred.
This group is not appropriate for abusive parents or where allegations of parental alienation during a divorce proceeding/custody evaluation were the source of the estrangement.
The facilitator is a highly experienced psychotherapist with extensive knowledge of family estrangement issues.