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Winter Park Series team roster

From: andrew
Sent on: Friday, May 21, 2010, 7:57 PM
Denver Mountain Bikers-

Time to finalize this roster. If you are racing at WP this season and want to be a part of a team, send me an email. We can have up to 8 people on a team, and people racing the whole series get priority. If we don't have 8 people doing the series, we can take some folks who are just doing one or 2 races.

If you have an idea for a name, please let me know. Otherwise, it will just be Team DMB. You can just leave it blank when registering, and they will fix it after we send a roster.

After registering for your races, please send me an email including:

Full Name
Year of Birth
Race Class
Whether you are racing the whole series, or individual races

This is just for fun, so don't worry about dragging the team down by not coming in first. My personal goal is to not finish last (insert dirty joke here), if that's any indication of how serious this is. If you're considering racing for the first time, do it. You will love it, and it will give you something to train for.


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