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Python Frontend & Django Meetup

Photo of Mike George
Hosted By
Mike G.
Python Frontend & Django Meetup


Welcome to our Python Frontend & Django Meetup!

Join us for an exciting afternoon where we delve into the dynamic world of Python in frontend development and Django framework. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this meetup offers something for everyone.

Explore the latest trends, best practices, and innovative approaches in using Python for frontend web development. From libraries such as Django Ninja, HTMx, we cover a spectrum of tools and techniques to enhance your frontend projects.

Additionally, dive deep into Django, the high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Learn how to leverage Django's powerful features for building robust web applications, from authentication and authorization to database management and deployment.

Our meetup is not just about learning but also about networking and connecting with fellow enthusiasts and professionals. Share your experiences, exchange ideas, and collaborate on exciting projects.
Whether you're passionate about Python frontend development, Django, or both, this meetup is your gateway to expanding your skills and growing your network in the thriving Python community.

Join us and embark on a journey of discovery and innovation!

Photo of Denver Python Users Group group
Denver Python Users Group
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Every 1st Sunday of the month

11100 W 8th Ave
11100 W 8th Ave · Lakewood, CO
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