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What we’re about

What is a DESIGN JAM session? 
It's like a hackathon🤓but it's not for programming machines🤭- it's for design that people can use😍
The term "JAM" comes from the music world. It's when musicians meet during an informal event to improvise without extensive preparation or predefined arrangements, to practice and learn from each other while also having incredible amounts of fun. Design is a lot like musical improvisation. During a JAM session we work together as teams trying to design solutions for real-world problems in only two days.

Who are we and why we JAM?

We are an open community of professional UX Designers, Design Thinkers, Service Designers, Customer Experience Specialists, Product Managers but also innovation and design enthusiasts from different domains and backgrounds. We strongly believe in the power of design as a tool to solve real-world problems. You can be one of us - our network is informal and open.  Find out more and sign-up here:

When do we JAM? 
There are 3 main international JAM sessions within a year: the Global Service Jam, the Global GovJam and the Sustainability Jam. These are all global events and each of them is held once a year, on a predefined date. The events start simultaneously in many cities around the world and are centered around a secret theme.
We will also have a few more spontaneous local JAM events in-between, but at this point, we focus on becoming affiliated with the global events because it's much more fun that way. That is why we are not scheduling the events just yet.

Read more about the history of the design JAM:

Upcoming events

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