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What we’re about

We used to just do this randomly through Twitter, now its time to make it easier for people to find us and exchange information. We eat lunch somewhere on weekdays, talk about DFIR topics and new research. So what do we do?


* We get together once a month or so and talk about new trends in DFIR and what we are working on. <br>

* Who should join: We are looking for others we haven't met they are currently doing Digital Forensics and Incident Response work. Students are also welcome to attend but this is not a job seekers lunch, but rather a place for practioners to talk shop. <br>

* If you want to meet others in the DFW area who are doing DFIR work (there are dozens of us and more every day!), you should come and introduce yourself and share information. <br>

* What you can expect at our lunches: There are no presentations, sponsorship, branding or anything else. We get together at a place, order our food and then get into discussing whats new in DFIR and sometimes even DFIR gossip. <br>