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What we’re about

Diet & Disease Science Crusaders (Informal Forum & Journal club). 

Welcome, everyone! We will have regular interactive events where we discuss the inflammatory and anti-inflammatory potential of different foods, their role in digestive health, and potential available solutions with a healthcare professional/researcher.

We are interested in understanding the experiences of individuals with gastrointestinal conditions or other chronic diseases and their relationship with foods. We started as an NSF-OHIO ICorps funded initiative in 2019, but continue as an independent meetup group of professionals and students.

Who should join?

Anyone that suffers, treats, or is interested in understanding more about digestive conditions (such as inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ...) or other diseases (such as cancer....) that may promote or manifest as digestive discomfort and who would like to learn about the science of foods to adjust their diets.

What will you do at these events?

Discuss/share personal experiences, published materials, and/or hear scientific discussions from established professionals on particular topics or diseases. On certain sessions, reading material will be shared, for the eager to glance in advance.

**Please note that all events will be held online due to COVID until further notice.