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What we’re about

Our Community:

  • Ages 30's, 40's, 50's and from all walks of life
  • DINKs = Dual Income No Kids (married, engaged, coupled, partnered, etc.)
  • SINKs = Single, No Kids


Welcome to LA People Without Kids. We are a community of people who don't have kids!
But we're not a support group and we're not advocates for the childfree movement. We are a welcoming place for everyone who is living the kid-free lifestyle (at the moment, or forever), regardless of your reason (by choice or circumstance).

Join us to find community, belonging, and some new friends who are living similar lifestyles.

They call us DINKS, DINKWADS, SINKS and other silly names. We're celebrating the perks of higher disposable income + flexible schedules and are here to cultivate meaningful human connections and live a fulfilling life, in community with others. Say goodbye to shrinking social circles (if the majority of your friends are not around because they have children) and say hello to new friends and shared experiences with other non-parents.

From insightful speaker events and inspiring discussion forums, to lively brunches, coffee meetups and outdoor adventures, we've got you covered if you want to meet people that are living the kid-free lifestyle. All our events will be facilitated by the organizers to ensure everyone feels welcomed and that it was worth your time.

Let's live lives that go beyond the stereotypes of DINKs, SINKs, and non-parenthood.

Find us on Instagram - @la_people_without_kids