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What we’re about

Are you newly-divorced or broken-up? Do you wish you had known then, what you know now? Would you like to connect to other like-minded high-vibe women you can relate too? If you wish to get to know the forgotten parts of just who you are underneath this major life transition and want to get back on track in life and love, then join Divorce Diaries: A Transformational Group To Re-empower Strong Women!

Often we are being held back by our own stories, or stories created by others. When your true blocks are exposed and shifted, you will be back ON TRACK to your FULL POTENTIAL again. As a divorcing mother of three, long-time therapist and coach, I have seen it all and been through it myself!

One of my joys is in helping people find the way through, even when life is not perfect! You ARE capable of more than you know!

With honesty, creative exercises, and some humor, there is nothing like the power of a group dynamic to gain the support, inspiration and accountability you need to get you back on track to your full potential in life and love again.

We offer women only groups, co-ed monthly meetups with "Divorce Diaries for Men" as well as Second Sunday Brunches with incredible featured speakers who will lead an individualized workshop for any woman who desires in-person community, indulgence, growth, and great networking!

"Let's Drop The Facade and Share What' REAL!"

What was your overall experience in participating in your recent divorcee diaries meet up?

I found the ladies who were there last night to be ladies who desire empowerment. Some are a little ‘stuck’ but, before the night was over, it seemed that each one was able to leave with a sense of freedom and release, even if for a moment.
My heart reached for each one as they shared their story.

What did you like about the way Daniella facilitated the group?

She treated each person with value and that when it was their time to speak, she gave them space to speak and, at least for me, and what I observed, she was “in their” moment with them. Incredibly positive!

Did you have any takeaways? Was this group specifically helpful for you personally?

Yes, I have a learning that I may feel “angst” about what’s happening to me, it is one of transformation and I had help and that help guided me to help others and by whatever path or energy source – last night was the time I needed to be there. I have not allowed myself to “feel” or be emotional for so many decades and although still a bit foreign to me, I saw real heart last night. I loved it!

YOU are welcomed to the group, there is no reason to go through such a major life transition alone.


Daniella Bloom

Psychotherapist and Law of Attraction Coach

LA's Premiere Divorcée Success Coach and Dating Optimization Expert