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New Meetup: Bloomington Dodgeball

From: Nathan
Sent on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 1:41 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Twin Cities Pickup Dodgeball!

What: Bloomington Dodgeball

When: March 8,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Another dodgeball option !

Chris Christenson, a member of our group, also runs a Sunday morning dodgeball group down in Bloomington, and would be happy if a few of our members stopped on down there to try it out.

Chris and a few of his gang played with us a little while back on a Tuesday.

Note that they use slightly different rules. A copy of their "Dodgeball Manifesto" is available in our Files section.

They also use rubber balls. We're going to cap this event at 8, since there will already be several people there outside of our group.

Here are a few notes from Chris. You can click on Chris's Profile to email him if you have any questions.

We play at a small school in Bloomington, and the gym is very small. We play from 10 to noonish on Sundays . Everyone is welcome, and we switch teams and sides regularly. We use rubber balls-- three of the big four square balls and at least three 4 inch balls (the more players, the more attack balls we put in). We're pretty hard core in our play, but not in our attitude. It's all cool, and we allow for all level of players. We have mostly guys, but some girls play regularly and enjoy it too. The size of the gym and the balls we use makes it pretty intense, but the regulars have been playing together for a few years now, so it's gotten a lot more tactical.

Learn more here:

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