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What we’re about

The Cambridge .NET User Group is a community of professional .NET developers with a strong passion for building high-quality software using Microsoft platforms and technologies. 

Recordings to previous events are available on Andrea's YouTube channel in the .NET Cambridge Playlist

Members engagement over number of members
Members contribution over external experts contribution
Constant knowledge sharing over sporadic events
Collaborative learning over self-promotion
.NET technologies over other technologies
Free events over paid events
Respect and humility over technical competence

We believe in the power of collaborative learning and we love sharing our knowledge and experiences with other members of our community. We love to discuss, share opinions, learn from mistakes and professionally grow together. We are also open-minded developers curious to explore trending technologies and languages outside the Microsoft world, learn and compare them with the familiar tools we use every day on the job. 
Read more about our principles.

Who should join us?
Professional .NET developers (even if you don't live in Cambridge).

Why a new community?
There are a lot of very good developer communities in Cambridge but there is no community targeting specifically .NET developers. Ideally, the community should be made of people that are working on .NET every day and that are eager to learn and develop themselves through collaborative learning and presenting. There is no limit in terms of topics to discuss but we will look at them through the eyes of people who work with Microsoft technologies for the majority of their working time.

Twitter: @dotnetcambridge

What about recruiters?
Recruiters are treated like any other members and are welcome to join the group and attend our events to learn and build their network but they need to agree on a code of conduct.
If you are a recruiter:
- You must not post job ads in the discussion forum or in the mailing list
- You must not spam the group sending job ads to our members via private messages
- You can talk about job opportunities with interested people during networking breaks at our events
If you are not a recruiter:
- Report to the organizers if you receive any unwelcome private message
- Report to the organizers any unwelcome behaviour during our events
- Report to the organizers any general concern you have about the future of the community

After repeated violations of these rules we will send a notice and if the offending behaviour continues we will ask you to leave our community. 

Andrea Angella (Founder)