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What we’re about

This Meetup group provides support for men and women - all ages 18+ - who are interested in what Dr Joe Dispenza teaches about quick healing.

Meetup Members
Men and women who join our group with their face photo, will then be able to - receive - help with - allowing and receiving - quick healing energy - through other Meetup members.
When we see the face photos of Meetup members - we can focus on - seeing and feeling each person - being healthy and well in every way - with no health problems, the way the body is - lovingly designed - to be.

The Self Healing Body
Dr Dispenza teaches the body is not only - designed - to heal itself - that everyone has seen in the healing of their cuts and bruises - but also - quickly heal itself - of a disease (cancerous tumors disappear, etc.) or disability (walk again) seen in Success Stories - men and women - different ages, races, nationalities, religions or none.
See their - Stories of Transformation - here.

Energy - Quick Healing
It takes a lot of - energy - for the body to - quickly heal itself - of a disease or disability (walk again).
Success Stories have proved the body is - designed - to use the powerful energy of - Divine Love for everybody - to quickly heal itself.
That Divine Love for everybody - has been described as being like - sunlight - that shines on everyone.

Divine Love Energy
When men and women have accepted that kind of Divine Love is available for everybody (including them) and were then - willing - to - allow - that Divine Love energy - flow through their heart and eyes to everyone - the body was then able to use - that energy - to - quickly heal itself - of whatever needs healing.

Energy - Vibration - Divine Love Frequency
Watch Dr Joe Dispenza's free video - here - explaining how our feelings are energy. When we - allow - and - feel - Divine Love for everybody - we are connecting with that Divine Love - energy frequency - for quick healing.

Practice - Heart Meditation - Connection
Many people are familiar with the - relaxing heart meditation practice - of putting the hand or hands on the heart - to bring attention from the busy mind to the heart - then breathing - slowly in and out - to help the body relax.
A word to say when breathing in and out could be simply "Love".
Then, when feeling relaxed, this statement can be slowly and with wholehearted feeling - said silently or out loud:
"I am willing to - allow - Divine Love for everybody - flow through my heart and eyes to everyone."

Meetup Group - Allowing & Receiving
Even though Meetup members may not know - when - others are looking at their photo - allowing - Divine Love energy to flow through their heart and eyes to them - if they are willing to - receive that Divine Love energy - in their heart - at any time - their body can then use that energy to not only - feel loved - but also start healing whatever needs to be healed.

See The Energy
See the free video made by the HeartMath Institute (not a religion) of how - Divine Love energy - would look flowing through the heart and eyes - to family, friends and others. Dr Joe Dispenza is associated with the HeartMath Institute.

Dr Dispenza - Healing Begins With Feelings
Quick healing - has happened when unhealthy negative feelings of judging others - or judging oneself - feeling unworthy - were - replaced - with the positive healthy heartfelt feelings of gratitude, compassion and Divine Love for everybody - including oneself and others.

Adults - Help With Managing Feelings
HeartMath teaches adults how to enjoy healthy - heart-based living - by maintaining the heartfelt feelings of: gratitude, care, compassion and love for oneself and others. They have an - APP - Inner Balance - for monitoring feelings using your cell phone. They also have a - Coherence Light - bulb that can be put in a lamp (home, workplace, classroom) that can - change color - depending upon the positive or negative energy of feelings radiating from the heart.

Quickly Stop Negative Feelings - Rubber Band Snap
Watch this Youtube video of psychologist Audrey Sussman showing how to use a rubber band on the wrist to - quickly stop - negative feelings - and also relieve anxiety.

Children - Help to Manage Feelings
HeartMath teaches Parents how to help their children manage their emotions.
* Ages 2-6 - called - Shift & Shine
* Ages 7-11 - including - Stopping The Bullying
* Ages 12 to 18+ - includes being emotionally prepared for transitioning to high school and college, driving, first jobs.

Children - Healing
Dr Dispenza and HeartMath are teaching the - feelings - adults and children hold in their heart - and radiate out towards others - can have either a healthy positive or unhealthy negative affect on their body and the body of others.

Parents are learning - replacing their negative feelings with the energy of heartfelt positive feelings - those feelings - can help the body of their children - heal itself.

Watch this story of a mother and her young daughter. The mother learned from Dr Dispenza's teachings that she needed to - change her negative feelings - to heartfelt positive feelings - the energy of those positive feelings - that not only helped her body - heal itself - but also her young daughter's body - heal itself.

Healing - People Injured In War
Doctors know the body is - designed - to - heal itself - every body. When people are injured in war - whatever their nationality - the body will heal itself.
The wars that are in the news now - the body of both Jews and Arabs will - heal itself. The body of both Ukrainians and Russians will - heal itself.
The healing of the body is - proof - there is - no Divine favoritism - for any nationality or religion - no Divine blessing of any war.

Dr Joe Dispenza - Ukraine - Russia
2019 - See his Facebook photos of him holding teaching events in both Ukraine and Russia - Moscow. Those people learned that having - healthy positive feelings in the heart - and allowing the energy of Divine Love for everybody - flow through their heart and eyes to others - can help the body - heal itself.

The Golden Rule for Health and Peace
In every religion and philosophy throughout human history and today is the - Divine Love rule - for health and peace - for everybody - that has been called - The Golden Rule. See a World Poster of religions and quotes. The quotes are - "Love your neighbor as yourself" - "Love your enemies" - also - "Do unto others - as you would have them - do unto you".

In the United Nations building is a mosaic of The Golden Rule painting called "Do Unto Others" painted by the American artist Norman Rockwell. Watch the Youtube video of Norman Rockwell telling his story - why he painted The Golden Rule painting - also the story of the people in the painting.

It's Healthier to Love
Dr Bernie Siegel, M.D. wrote in his book - Love Medicine & Miracles -
"It's easier to hate - but healthier to love" - and "Unconditional love is the most powerful stimulant of the immune system. The truth is: love heals."

Garden Diet - Maintaining a Healthy Body
Dr Baxter Montgomery, a cardiologist in Houston, Texas, recommends that everyone change to the oil-free, vegan, plant based diet - called the - Raw Vegan Diet. No animal based food, no grain or legume based food.

Colorful Garden Food
The food for - recipe ingredients - is - only - colorful garden food - fresh raw fruit, greens, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts.
That - change in diet - is also called - The Garden Diet - or The "Garden of Eden" Diet for Everybody. The diet instructions given by - the Designer of the body - to the first man and woman, the first parents, for them and all their descendants of the human race/family. The health and appearance benefits of following the diet are for everybody - no favoritism - for men or women, a race, nationality, religion or none.

Garden Diet - Success Stories
The change in diet has helped Dr Montgomery's patients not only recover from life-threatening diseases to being healthy - but also stay healthy. He wrote the book - The Food Prescription For Better Health -

Food RX Jumpstart Course
Dr Montgomery's FREE course includes a 10-Day Diet Plan with easy, delicious meal ideas and recipes:

Garden Kitchen - Restaurant - Houston, Texas
Dr Montgomery started a restaurant called the - Garden Kitchen - where his patients and others could enjoy starting and staying on the diet. All recipes are oil-free, vegan, plant based whole food. See the restaurant -

Garden Cafe - Monterey Peninsula, California
We are planning on starting a - Garden Cafe - in Monterey Peninsula towns - to provide diet support for adults all ages 18+ - who want to make and maintain the doctor-recommended change to the - Garden Diet - oil-free Raw Vegan Diet. The cafe menu will be:
Juices - Veggie Salad Bar - Oil-Free Dressings - Veggie Soups -Veggie Bowls - Fruit Bowls - Delicious Desserts.

FREE Recipes
The oil-free Raw Vegan Diet recipes include: drinks, snacks, salads, dressings, dips, meals, desserts. The recipe ingredients are - only - fresh raw fruit, greens, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts. Meals may be warm: soups, pizza, pasta, etc!
Click on the Youtube links to see meal ideas, recipes and how to make them:
* Fully Raw Kristina
* Lissa's Raw Food Romance

Gratitude - Success Stories
We're thankful for the Success Stories of men and women proving - what's possible now:
* Quick healing of a disease or disability (walk again) by - allowing - Divine Love for everybody - flow through our heart and eyes to everyone.
* Maintaining a healthy body by following the Designer's - Garden Diet - instructions for everybody.
* Associating with men and women who who want to do what has been proven to help the body - quickly heal itself - and - maintain itself - healthy - the way it is - lovingly designed - to be.

You, Your Mate, Family and Friends are Invited to Join Us!