What we’re about
Update: John here. As you might have noticed we haven't been doing events lately, neither on-line nor off. That's my fault -- lazy, shiftless, inherently asocial, oh well. Apologies. But I have friends who are less so, and one of them, Mark, will be running a new group, Tallahassee Sketchcrawl, and setting up quarterly sketchcrawls. So we'll see how that goes. The link is -- https://www.meetup.com/sketchcrawl-tallahassee/
Update: Your favorite co-organ Rachel has started a discord: [https://discord.gg/SCvyZdrY4k](https://discord.gg/SCvyZdrY4k). Feel free to join and we’ll talk about all the same wacky things we do in the zoom call. I hope.
Social Distancing Update: All the inspirational arting stuff below still applies, just by "together" we mean "in the same video chat".
Currently using Zoom, freely available and widely popular and easy to use just by clicking on a link.
For each event, check the event page at the listed time (or a couple minutes before) and I'll have a Zoom link posted in the comments. The events usually run about two hours, but free Zoom meetings top out at 40 minutes, so after each session is complete I'll initiate another one and post that new link in the comments. If you come in late just click the latest link.
Currently running two events a week, Monday and Thursday evenings, which is about my tolerance for evening Zoom sessions. If you want to organize one on a different day I'll set the event page up for you and you can be in charge of creating the Zoom sessions.
And I'll occasionally include outdoors events, usually in some local park, for distanced open-air drawing. Sketchcrawl, for example.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Get together and draw. Let loose your creativity! and all that. Bring ideas and tools and sketchbooks and share in the glorious conversation. Or hermit up in the corner and scrawl away quiet-like, doesn't matter, whatever you're wired for socially, being in general proximity with people of like mind while creating can be fun.
I'm interested in quick sketching -- generally pen-and-ink at the moment -- of alive and active subjects, people, animals, occasionally trees. So I'll be scheduling meetups at coffee shops and parks, sometimes bars, and linking to whatever I can find in the way of local draw-centric events -- figure drawing, sketch crawl, 24-hour comic, etc -- and also events that while not specifically catering to artists offer lots of great material -- cons, renn faires, game day tailgating, etc. If you're into something else, tell me and we can set up a session and see who shows.
Longer term, if we have enough people and enough interest, let's produce some kind of tangible art-thing -- zine, guerrilla installation, web-comic...